Bad cram school, tutor dispatch company

It can be considered that the frequency and salary of the power harassment of managers are almost proportional to the rank of the instructor in the cram schools below the middle level.
If you're rude to your parents or even your students over the phone, you're likely to be power harassing a young male teacher,
a low-level male middle-aged teacher with no other place of employment,
a personality disorder teacher of the same type,
Only college students who do not understand the market can keep it.
In many cases, different information is sent to the students and the instructor when introducing the students.
Student side: The instructor is a social studies specialist. You can also give a lecture.
Teacher side: Social studies only needs to answer and give homework)

The president of personality disorder is not good for young female teachers,
and there is no desire from male teachers or middle-aged women, so be careful of women's private schools and companies.
Exceptionally, there is no other place to work in a remote cram school,
so even if the manager is a person with a personality disorder, a high-level instructor may work unwillingly.
Be careful of old cram schools that can only be developed in classrooms.
Cram school owners are quite often narcissistic personality disorders. If your educational background is undisclosed, you are a high school graduate, or if you use your name as a cram school name,
you will see a yellow traffic light.
Excessive snooping, harassment, bragging about the past, and lots of excuses can be quite dangerous.
The reason why the classroom has not been developed may be that there is no desire for subordinates
and it is not possible to develop human resources.
Request overwork from a subordinate instructor pretending to be a family wig or friend
Intelligence is generally low, but sociability and push are often high.

Narcissistic personality disorder

: A disorder in which one cannot recognize oneself due to heredity or childhood trauma,
and continues to seek praise from others.
He has a lot of narcissistic words and deeds, and prefers flashy clothes. (Poor sense and unique)
Often always frustrated. It has a sweet and intense odor with a peculiar bad breath,
probably because the amount of saliva is low.
There are many people who cannot make efforts,
so there are many at the bottom workplace such as cram schools.
Antisocial personality disorder: No conscience itself,
many criminals, but not so much in the education industry?

Sales and dispatch company president

Sales (managerial staff) and the president of the dispatching company are also basically human beings
who have failed to find new graduates due to problems such as low IQ,
low educational background, and severe personality disorder.
Although he has almost no knowledge of studying in high school,
he may be thinking that he is misrepresenting his educational background and
that he is not getting a decent educational counseling and is only thinking about asking for money.

Fraudster-based sales (off)
Education: Deviation 35 Graduated from a private university
IQ: 90
She wears a crisp suit and pretends to be a sociable and cheerful character,
but her facial expressions and behavior exude a scent of humor.
I'm afraid of crowds for no reason.
We are squeezing money from parents and students with low deviation values ​​in We Make Antiques!
He is good at expressing unfounded opinions with full confidence (inducing parents to increase lessons),
and of course cannot talk logically.
I can teach junior high school students, so I'm loved by children,
Even when asked by a high school student, he misleads me by saying,
"Ask other people," so I'm laughing in the shadows.
The default is a double-tongue business where parents and instructors explain lies and conclude contracts.
Countryside Black Cram School Employee Prototype

Students are almost unacceptable,
but they disguise their passing record and the school they passed when they were active.
Even if a lie is thrown into the instructor,
he can speak at high speed while sharpening the excuses that do not match Tsuji.
Talk to a young female teacher with a cat stroke ...
Abuse such as "Babaa" for middle-aged female teachers
Extremely unbalanced diet, mouth smell
Chronic condition: Severe narcissistic personality disorder, moderate adhd, mild Asperger's

Scammer president (super dangerous ...)

Education: High school graduate
IQ: 80
The pattern that the above fraudulent business has started a business
The surroundings are solidified with Yesman, and he makes a big mistake.
He expresses his arrogant attitude blatantly,
and power harassment at the first meeting is also a daily occurrence.
I want to publish my face photo in a publication.
The president exaggerates his abilities.
(You can see the academic ability of the person by looking at the letters,
you know all the circumstances (salary, etc.) of the competitors, etc.),
Even if a lie is thrown into the instructor, the story can be replaced and passed.
Severe narcissistic personality disorder,
self-proclaimed adhd (?), Mild Asperger's

Evil female employee (normal)

IQ: 95
It looks like ten people
Good at talking to schoolgirls in a worried manner
He has some communicative competence and can speak in a friendly manner,
but he is well engaged with great employees and keeps his position.
It's refreshing on the surface, but behind the scenes,
he always speaks badly about the instructor.

Excellent liberal arts sales (excellent)

IQ: 115
It doesn't look terrifying, it talks to the students a lot.
Good at getting along with children He has a lot of communicative competence,
and although he can speak in a friendly manner,
he has quit a major educational cram school and is now in the local area.
The instructions to the instructor are accurate and detailed,
but for some reason high school students cannot study. The body shape is strange.

Yankee businessman (a little loss)

Education: Unknown (probably F rank)
IQ: 85
Serious sales and business communication
The instructor's response is gentlemanly, but the words and actions are logically inconsistent.
There is a strange intonation in the way of speaking.
My clothes are dirty and I'm hungry.
In order to flick the fact that he was a yankee, he acts intimidatingly by imitating him.
I don't have any subject knowledge and I can't organize information, so
Maliciously (?) Doing double-toned sales to parents and teachers causes trouble.

Psychopath major employee

IQ: 105
Although he speaks common sense, he speaks from above in some places.
Self-proclaimed high IQ without embarrassment
Paperwork and trouble handling are reasonably good.
Although the publicly announced academic background is a decent university,
it is actually unknown.
There is a lot of obesity.
It should be highly educated,
but for some reason I can't teach high school students.
After all, sticking to sales and not following the order to add lessons will be sharp.
Occasionally, he blows in a slander. Find out by interviewing other companies.
There are many computationally expensive wrongdoings.
Chronic condition: Antisocial personality disorder

Short Notes

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