Difference between an intransitive and transitive verb
. Automatic verbs: actions performed toward oneself, Be verbs (no object required), e.g., look
. Transitive verb: action directed toward another (object required), e.g. like
. Object: the thing (noun) that is the object of the transitive verb's action
. Adjective: describes a noun
Adverb: describes something other than a noun Adverb: describes something other than a noun

Writing questions

Writing questions
2 Answer the following (1)-(2).

 (1) After the subject = (① )
 (2) After a transitive verb = (② )

[Answer column]

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Word order of affirmative sentences
Subject ➡︎Verb ➡︎①  ➡︎②
(3) +④
--------------------------------- answer group -----------------------------
Object O (to whom), Object O (what) or Complement C (state or description)

Reason (adverb), Subject S (noun, etc.), Time (adverb M)
Action (verb V), Place (adverb M), Means/Method (adverb M)"
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Short Notes

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