how to purchase a flesh fish
when you buy a flesh fish,the day of week and time fish is sold is determined in supermarket or fishmonger.(tuesday or thrsday in supermarket or morning market on weekend in Japan)![丸のメジナ](marugure.png)
tools for fillet a fish
pointer carver[2 pieces]、fish-slicing knife[yanagiba knife]、metal bone remover、cup、many baking paper or clean clotheschopping board[2 sheets]、plastic bag
fish-slicing knife's cutting quality is should pay more than 70 dollers for slicing knife.
[It cost 7 doller to sharpen it for each time.]
1.remove a scales from fish with your knife.![頭部と胴](uroko_side.png)
difficult part scale can be romoved by finger.
2. score neck part diagonaiy.
devide lower neck part from body.
4. disconnect spine close to the head.
![back passege to head](hara_open.png)
score from the back passage to the lower part of head.
after this procedure,knife should be changed or cleaned.
6. tear off the head part by hands.
![tear off head part](divide_head.png)
7. after rake blood from inside the ribs.
water inside,and wipe off.
if you don't have time ,you can discontinue and preserve fish.
There is a danger that you cut your own finger because of lack of sleep.
8. score shallow the outer periphery.
![score inside](hara.png)
make a deep cut from 7.procedure's break.(you can hold a tail by your hand.)
divide fish into spine and slice from tail to head part with normal knife.
If it is hard to divide fillet from spine,you should wrap tale part with baking paper.And,you can devide it easily.
do same procedures as 8.-11.
12. score a grith of rib shallow.(little bit strong to cut slight rib bone.)
![around rib](cut_rib.png)
13. chip off peritoneum slightly.
(This procedure is difficlu.It is important to cut a few times at short intervals.)
![chip off peritoneum](rib_sneak.png)
14. Skin the fish fillet.cut it into long thin strips with sashimi knife(yanagiba knife).
![remove skin](pull_skin.png)
15. take the slight bones out of fillet with metal bone remover,stabilizing fillet with baking paper by left hand.
It is diffucult to pull out slight bones.
Collect angle to pull out denpends on type of fish.
![pull out bones](pull_bone.png)
16. Slice thinly from rear to skin part.
cut bevel to have large cut section area.
denpens on fish type,I think it better that cut from this side to interior for an instant,then cut from interior to this side the other 90% area.
Short Notes
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