Passive voice
. This bat is used by Ohtani.The chair is made of wood.
The chair is made of wood. You can use "be verb + past participle form" to express the passive voice
The chair is made of wood.
Cheese is made from milk.
If the material is changing, tukau
for from.
Use the preposition "by" to indicate the actor in the action
I was given money by student's mother.
. Passive Rewriting (SVOO to SVO). When the subject of the passive action is made the subject,
the sentence pattern is changed to SVOO to SVO
and the preposition to or for becomes necessary.
When the subject is a thing, to/for must be used differently;
to is used for things that cannot be done without the other person (when reaching the other person),
and for things that can be done without the other person.
Student's mother gave money to me.(You can't give [give] without the other person.)
Student's mother bought a card for me.(You can buy [buy] something without a partner.)
Translation: Student's mother bought a card for me.
An aside
. In this page, the passive be+done is interpreted as the auxiliary verb be+verb done.The progressive form is similarly interpreted as the auxiliary verb be+verb doing.
The passive voice is interpreted as [SVC construction (progressive forms are also SVC).
This bat(subject S)+is(verb V)+used(complement C)+by Ohtani(modifier M)
. In this page, be verbs are interpreted as auxiliaries
because it is difficult to explain other grammatical items.
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