Ancillary Status

With his arm folded
with his arm folded
with S(subject) C(complement)
The SVC construction of
with S=C) is a relation without V
. His arm is folded. In the case of an incidental situation, C (complement) may be an adverb.

The following sentences from ------- are SVC constructions:
Example He(S) is(V) 15years old(C)
He(S) is(V) 15years old
. He(S)=15years old(C)
He is kind.
He = kind.


The incidental situation is consistent with the three usages of the independent participle construction (condition, cause, incidental situation),
You can think of it as a similar species.
However, only the usage of concession (-suruga) and time (-suru ga) are not included in incidental situations.

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